Testimony of Steven Dickinson

Mr. Dickinson is running in the Fox Cities Marathon, in the Appleton, Wisconsin area, on October 1st, to support the Answers in Genesis Creation Museum and Family Discovery Center. The following is taken from his testimony which he provided for us to use.

I was first introduced to AiG around October 1999 on the Internet. I don’t remember what I was looking for but AiG came up on my browser as one of the possibilities to answer my search.

Steven Dickinson

“As an incentive to accomplish my dream I want to help Answers in Genesis reach their dream. I will be looking for people who are willing to donate $1 towards the Creation Museum for every mile that I complete. That would be $26 per person. If I could get 400 people to donate $26 that would be over $10,000 donated.”
– Steven Dickinson

Answers in Genesis did more than just answer that one search. Through listening to the online audio and reading, I found the basis I needed to explain what I already believed, that is that the Bible could be trusted and that it should be trusted from the first to the last verse. I also learned that our country needs a reformation in its belief in the authority of scripture before we can have revival. I learned that I, as a teacher (in church ministry) and songwriter need to present the gospel starting from the book of Genesis.

I have read The Lie: Evolution by Ken Ham. In fact, this was the first book we went through in our New Men’s Group at church back in November ‘99. I own the video One Blood: The Biblical Answer to Racism and showed it at a youth event.

Also, I own a copy of Buddy Davis’s songbook and CD. I had started to write a Children’s Bible Club program worked around the theme’s of Mr. Davis’ songs but that was cut short when I felt the necessity to pull my membership from the liberal church that I had been attending because of the lack of sound biblical teach. I plan to finish writing the Children’s Creation Bible Club Program so I have it ready to use in the future.

I am just plain excited over the Creation Museum that Answers in Genesis will be building. I grew up an hour north of Chicago and have visited their museums and planetarium many times. What a thrill it will be to visit a professional museum that presents the origins of life based on the biblical view. I would like to see the museum built in order to reach the lost and the saved.

About 5 years ago I wrote down that one of my life goals was to run in a marathon. I am currently training so that I may accomplish this goal in the year 2000. On October 1st, if the Lord wills, I will run in the Fox Cities Marathon, which runs through eight communities in the Appleton, Wisconsin area.

As an incentive to accomplish my dream I want to help Answers in Genesis reach their dream. I will be looking for people who are willing to donate $1 towards the Creation Museum for every mile that I complete. That would be $26 per person. If I could get 400 people to donate $26 that would be over $10,000 donated.

Working Until He Comes,
Steven Dickinson


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