The Geology Book, Lesson 2

The Ground We Stand Upon

These lessons are geared for middle-school students. Each lesson contains a series of questions to answer that pertain to the reading assignment.


These lessons are geared for middle-school students. Each lesson contains a series of questions to answer that pertain to the reading assignment. There is a section of each lesson for advanced students. Teachers should start with the Scripture lesson.

It is important that teachers prepare themselves by reading the stated pages prior to having the student read the assignment. If a child is not able to read yet, parents may wish to read the text to the student.


  • Pages 10–19


  • Genesis 1:1
  • Obadiah 1:3


  1. This chapter lists three categories of rock, with each category containing a discussion on several types of rock. Draw an expanded version of the table below.
    1. In the first column, list each type of rock mentioned in this chapter.
    2. In the second column, list the category under which the rock is found.
    3. In the third column, describe the composition of each rock type.
    4. In the fourth column, describe how the rock is formed.
    5. In the fifth column, make a list of where the rock is found today.
    6. Watch out for types within types!
    7. (We’ve done the first one for you!)
Granite IgneousQuartz and feldspar with mica and hornblende Formed when molten rock is cooledMountains
Upper mantle
  1. Write a paragraph for each category of rock, describing how it forms, and where it is found.


  • Ryolite
  • Obsidian
  • Sedimentary rocks
  • Ripple marks
  • Crossbed
  • Concretions
  • Metamorphism


Start collecting stones/small rocks from around your area (or other areas to which you travel). Try to classify the type of rock you have found. Can you find samples of each rock you described in the above table?

Note: If you go to a National/State/local park, please ask permission to remove the stones/rocks you are collecting. Do not remove any rocks or stones from someone’s garden.

Additional resources (for the more advanced student)


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