The Geology Book, Lesson 7

Metamorphism/Radioisotope Decay

These lessons are geared for middle-school students. Each lesson contains a series of questions to answer that pertain to the reading assignment.


These lessons are geared for middle-school students. Each lesson contains a series of questions to answer that pertain to the reading assignment. There is a section of each lesson for advanced students. Teachers should start with the Scripture lesson.

It is important that teachers prepare themselves by reading the stated pages prior to having the student read the assignment. If a child is not able to read yet, parents may wish to read the text to the student.


  • Pages 48–53


  • Psalm 18


  1. In your own words, describe the different ways metamorphic rocks are thought to form.
  2. What are unstable atoms called? What is the most well-known radioactive atom?
  3. Why can’t the process of carbon-dating be used to date most fossils?
  4. What is the difference between a parent isotope and a daughter isotope?
  5. What are three assumptions made when using radiometric dating to give an age of a rock?

NOTE: For more information on this topic, see Get Answers: Radiometric Dating


  • isotope
  • heavy radioactive atoms
  • radioisotope dating

Additional resources (for the more advanced student)


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