Nation’s Educators Challenged to “Question Evolution” This Weekend!

The National Education Association (NEA) is one of the most liberal, anti-Christian organizations in the United States.

This weekend the words QUESTION EVOLUTION will be emblazoned on a huge red 20-foot banner (below), for all the teachers to see when they browse the exposition hall of the NEA’s annual meeting held this year in Dallas.

Question Evolution Banner

As it has been doing for the past seven years, the NEA-Creation Science Educators” Caucus will be there, manning a booth and distributing free materials donated by AiG to the thousands of participants who pass by.1

“This booth is the most relevant booth in the whole complex,” a California public teacher said of a previous year’s effort. And this year’s theme of “Question Evolution” should be more relevant than ever, as the US is caught up in a national debate over teaching the pros and cons of evolution in public schools (see Teach “Intelligent Design”).

Volunteers will be passing out 3,000 free copies of the hard-hitting, multimedia Creation CD, which is AiG’s detailed response to the recent seven-episode PBS-TV Evolution series (supposedly the best arguments that evolutionists have to offer). The booth will also make available 3,000 free copies of the helpful booklet Why is there death and suffering? which AiG prepared in the aftermath of September 11 to give Biblical answers to a desperate world.

Kurt Streutker, a long-time friend of AiG who teaches at a Christian school, has been involved in these NEA campaigns since their inception. One of his friends is a public school science teacher and as a delegate of the NEA has formed this unique caucus. Through their efforts and by God’s grace, the NEA-Creation Science Educators” Caucus works to promote the creation science viewpoint as well as expose teachers to the truth about evolution.

And promote it they will! “It’ll be in-your-face creation evangelism…in a nice way,” says AiG-US president Ken Ham.

Every year the creationist educators helping in the booth leave the convention with exciting testimonies from people who never realized just how important this issue is. The local volunteers who assist caucus staff always come away with full hearts, amazed at the great opportunity to share their faith, proclaim the Bible’s authority and encourage Christians in their walk.

Big battle expected this year! This year is expected to be even more exciting than ever. In addition to the caucus by creationists, the evolutionists have formed a new caucus, tentatively called the Science Educators Caucus. Immediately following this weekend’s exposition, the voting NEA delegates will be meeting at a Representative Assembly of about 10,000 people, where some caucuses will be allowed to give short presentations. The (Evolutionary) Science Educators” Caucus is expected to lash out at all efforts to question evolution in the public schools.

Answers in Genesis asks for your prayers concerning this exciting opportunity to influence leaders in public education, who are training the next generation of leaders. Our message is clear and reasonable—‘Question Evolution!” We’re not asking teachers to stop teaching the theory of evolution, but simply to allow students to see all sides of the scientific and philosophical debate, so that they can make an informed decision for themselves. It’s just good education.


  1. See a thrilling report on last year’s convention, Into the Lion’s Den.


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