Prayer Requests and Praises, September 2012

When we come before the Lord in prayer, our goal should never be to glibly rattle off a list of requests. We need to remember the One with whom we have the privilege of speaking.

When we come before the Lord in prayer, our goal should never be to glibly rattle off a list of requests. If we find ourselves praying with a careless mindset, we need to reconsider the One with whom we have the privilege of speaking. Thanks to Christ’s sacrificial death on the Cross, we can boldly come before the throne of grace and speak with our heavenly Father (Hebrews 4:16). And while we can cry out, “Abba, Father” (Romans 8:15), we must balance this familiarity with proper reverence.

In the first chapter of Malachi, God accused the priests of despising His name by offering less than their best in sacrifice to Him. The Lord reminded them, “I am a great King … and My name is to be feared among the nations” (Malachi 1:14). Just as these priests offered vain sacrifices, our prayers can also be offered wrongly to God. Proverbs 28:9 states, “One who turns away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer is an abomination.

So let’s be careful to remember the greatness of our God as we lift up requests to Him, and never fail to praise Him for countless blessings.



God continues to provide for us in many ways, and we thank Him for people like you who support us through your prayers, encouragement, and resources. During these financially difficult times, we appreciate any donations you can give, yet we know that God understands all of our struggles and will continue to sustain us.

News and Social Media

It is clear from the recent controversy surrounding Bill Nye’s YouTube video and AiG’s responses that we are continually battling at the heart of the “worldview wars” in the secular culture and the church. We praise God for the voice He has given us to proclaim our Creator’s Word, and for those who stand with us on the authority of Scripture—particularly regarding creation and the age of the earth.

Please pray that God will convict and change the hearts of people who speak hatefully against this ministry and its staff. Also, remember to pray for God to fill us with boldness as we continue standing on the authority of His Word.


Answers for Pastors Conference

We praise God for the pastors and Christian leaders from across the country who will gather in the Creation Museum’s Legacy Hall this week to hear biblical teaching at our 2012 Answers for Pastors conference. Please ask God to speak clearly through those who are presenting, and pray that the Holy Spirit will use the messages to teach, train, encourage, and embolden the people in attendance.


After organizing the massive Olympics outreach in London and Ken Ham’s speaking tour throughout the UK, our sister ministry in that country has a lot to catch up on. Please pray for the staff of that organization as they work unto the Lord. Also, remember to pray for the thousands of unbelievers who received gospel tracts and witnessing materials last month from our Olympics ministry team in London.

Ark Encounter

Please continue to ask the Lord to guide the Ark Encounter team as they plan and make important decisions. Also pray that God will continue bringing donors to support this unique evangelistic project that has potential to proclaim truth to millions.

Board and Leadership

As always, the AiG board members and those on the leadership team appreciate your prayers for wisdom and clear understanding as they seek to honor God with the resources He has given. Please remember to pray for them since their choices each day can impact the entire ministry.

Web Team

In preparation for the busy holiday season, the web development and design team has been working on a new online store. Please pray for our team, specifically that the preparation and transition to the new store goes smoothly. We also ask for prayer that the new store greatly improves customer experience and ultimately better helps to equip our constituents, churches, and visitors.

Please also pray for the web content team as they begin to plan ahead on articles in light of the upcoming holidays and vacations—so they can get the necessary content written and reviewed well in advance. Ask God to help us plan ahead, looking to Him for wisdom and guidance, and pray that our message will glorify Him.


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