Skull Scratching

Featured in Answers Magazine

In the evolutionary worldview, people have been slowly evolving—and improving—over millions of years. According to biblical anthropology, however, humans were created on the sixth day of creation only 6,000 years ago and have largely gone a different direction since then: downhill.

A skull discovered in Romania is causing some head-scratching among evolutionists because it includes “traits normally associated with more ancient species,” even though it is “undeniably a Homo sapiens specimen.”1

How do evolutionists explain these supposedly ancient features in a modern skull? One suggestion is that modern humans continued to evolve after they settled Europe. Another suggestion is that these mixed features are the result of interbreeding between Neanderthals and other humans, or that these are simply ancient traits “reappearing” on a modern human skull.

One thing is clear: evolutionary anthropologists are beginning to recognize the close link among human fossils—just as would be expected if all humans descended from the first man Adam, just a few thousand years ago.

Answers Magazine

July – September 2007




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