on June 23, 2012

Some sea anemones have an important symbiotic relationship with algae species.


Sea Anemone

Some sea anemones have an important symbiotic relationship with algae species. The algae give the sea anemone oxygen and food; and the sea anemone gives the algae protection and food (via waste). Some other sea anemones have a symbiotic relationship with other creatures, such as crabs, shrimp, or clownfish.


  • Sea anemones come in a variety of colors and shapes. However, each one is basically a small sac consisting of a column-shaped body that ends in an oral disc. In the middle of this disc is its mouth, which is surrounded by tentacles that are used for defense.
  • The sea anemone has nematocysts (stinging cells) on its tentacles, which can be triggered when touched, releasing toxin into its victim.

Fun Facts

  • Most of the time, the sea anemone remains in one place. But if it is continually attacked by predators, it can detach its adhesive foot and swim to a new location.
  • The sexes in sea anemones are separate and they can reproduce both sexually and asexually (by a process called budding).

CLASS: Anthozoa (anemones and corals)
ORDER: Actiniaria (anemones and sea anemones)
FAMILY: 46 different families

Size: Less than 0.5 in–6.5 ft (1.3 cm–2 m)
Diet: Fish, mussels, zooplankton, worms
Habitat: On rocks, ocean bottoms, and reefs worldwide

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