Have You Heard of Evolution?

on June 10, 2007

Evolution is not true. Listen to the Bible to see if what you hear is actually true. None of the fossils we find can ever be millions of years old.

Evolution is the belief that over MILLIONS of years, one kind of animal turned into another kind. This idea shows up in movies and even cartoons. A lot of newspapers talk about it, and it is even written about in school books and magazines.

Don't believe everything you hear! Evolution is not true. Listen to the Bible to see if what you hear is actually true.

We know, according to the Bible, God created different kinds of animals about 6,000 years ago. (See Genesis 1:21, 24, 25.) There is much variety within each kind. But shrimp still produce shrimp, and dragonflies produce dragonflies, and crabs produce crabs ... just what we would expect based on the Bible!

Fossil Shell Comparison
Here is a fossil (left) supposedly millions of years old. This modern-day shell (right) looks just like the fossil!
Fossil Shrimp Comparison
This fossil of a shrimp (left) is believed to be millions of years old. But this shrimp (right) is alive and looks much like the fossil. It hasn't changed much at all!
Dragonfly and Wasp Fossils
These are pictures of two fossilized insects. Some people say the fossils are millions of years old. But they look very much like the insects we see today. The dragonfly and the wasp still look like a dragonfly and a wasp!
Fossil Crab Comparison
Look at these two pictures. The fossil (left) is supposed to be millions of years old but the living crab (right) looks a lot like it!

So, these pictures support what the Bible says. God created each kind of animal to make more animals of the same kind. We can always trust the Bible because “every word of God proves true” (Proverbs 30:5).

The Loggerhead Sea Turtle

This issue of Kids Answers explores the Loggerhead Sea Turtle, discusses “living fossils” and the age of the earth!

Browse Kids Issue