The Bible is the Key . . .

on September 12, 2008

The Bible is true. Our discoveries confirm what the Bible says.

The Bible is the key . . .

  • To the past, present, and future.
  • To what we see and discover in the world.
  • To help explain the fossils of dinosaurs we find.

Use these Bible verses to see for yourself that the Bible has answers. (Fill in the blanks below.)

Genesis 1:1 Genesis 1:24 Genesis 1:27 Genesis 7:11

1. You may have heard the universe is millions of years old. The Bible says the universe had a beginning . . . 6,000 years ago! Genesis     
Science confirms the Bible. Astronomers are recognizing that the universe had to have a beginning.

2. You may have heard rocks and canyons were formed by very slow processes, little by little. The Bible says a worldwide flood destroyed the earth. Genesis     
Science confirms the Bible. Geologists agree that rock layers were deposited by catastrophes . . . which we know include the worldwide Flood of Noah's day.

3. You may have heard animals evolved from other kinds of animals. The Bible says that God created each kind of animal separately. Genesis     
Science confirms the Bible. Scientists have observed that each kind of animal only reproduces that same kind of animal.

4. You have have heard that different races of people descended from animals. The Bible says that all people are related and all are created in his image. Genesis     
Science confirms the Bible. Biologists have discovered that there is only one human race.

God's Word is true . . . and as we would expect, our discoveries confirm what the Bible says.

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