Summer of Hope is Changing Lives—for Eternity!

by Answers VBS August 19, 2019

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For many of us, school closing for the summer means family vacation, swimming, and day trips. But, for others, it means hunger and worry. Over 22 million children in the United States receive free or discounted breakfast and lunch at school. During the summer, those programs are gone, and many parents have a difficult time providing those extra meals. That’s where Children’s Hunger Fund and their “Summer of Hope” campaign comes in!

To make this a summer of hope, not hunger, CHF has been raising money to provide meals for hungry children and their families.

To make this a summer of hope, not hunger, CHF has been raising money to provide meals for hungry children and their families. And they’re making an impact! We have partnered with CHF this summer to help them meet their goal of one million meals because we love their mission. They meet the pressing physical needs families have, while also meeting their even greater spiritual needs. Food Paks are delivered by local pastors, enabling them to connect with families in their communities, build lasting relationships, and share the gospel of Jesus Christ with them.

Here are just two stories of how God is using CHF and their Summer of Hope to make a difference now and for eternity:

Michelle’s story

Michelle and her husband have five children ranging in age from 15 years to an eight-month old baby. When a local pastor stopped by with a Food Pak and some Kid Paks for the children (filled with ready-to-eat, healthy snacks), Michelle shared that her eldest daughter was turning 16 in just a few days. Michelle was hoping to have some family and friends over to celebrate, but all she had for food was a package of ground beef. What a blessing that Michelle shared her need! With the help of Children’s Hunger Fund, Pastor Manuel was back at Michelle’s home just a couple days later with some extra food and snacks so the family could celebrate their daughter's birthday. These glimpses of hope remind us how God is aware of the needs and cares of every child in this world.

Food Paks have made a huge difference for this family of seven. And every visit with Pastor Manuel demonstrates the love of Jesus to the children and their parents. Michelle has become involved at Rey Soberano Church. She attends a Bible study where she is growing in the Lord alongside other women who attend her church and live in her neighborhood.

Anthony and Marissa’s story

Anthony and Marissa have four children who range in age from 19-months to 13-years-old. When they received a home visit from Pastor Esparza with a Food Pak in hand, it was the start of a new relationship.

Anthony and Marissa both work to help provide food and a home for their children. Their children have free breakfast and lunch at school, but now that school is closed for the summer, providing the extra meals is a greater challenge.

"The Food Pak has helped us by supplementing our food pantry with staple items that we continually use and that my kids enjoy eating. The money we save from having these items is evident: they allow us to purchase shoes and clothes for our kids. Thank you so much for this blessing," said Marissa.

After several months of home visits, Anthony and Marissa have become believers in Jesus. They are attending Pastor Esparza's church and are growing in their new faith. Little did the Hernandez family know, but God was meeting their immediate need for food and their eternal need for a Savior.

  • Family 1
  • Family 2
  • Family 3

What testimonies of what God does through the people of his church as we reach out and meet physical and spiritual needs! Summer of Hope is happening until August 31. Please consider making a gift to help feed hungry children both physically and spiritually:

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