Recruiting 101: Top 6 Tips for Recruiting VBS Volunteers

by Answers VBS January 8, 2020

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As VBS season inches closer, it’s time to start requesting help both for VBS week and in advance as you prepare. Here are our top six tips to help you recruit volunteers for VBS:

  1. Decide how many volunteers you need and be specific. Ask your pastor for a few minutes during announcements to recruit for volunteers. But be specific! Don’t just say you need volunteers, explain which volunteers you need and for which areas. For that, you need to know how many coordinators and volunteers you need and in which areas. You’ll find a list of coordinator and volunteer positions on page 58 of the director guide. If you know people in your church who enjoy working on specific areas like crafts, snacks, games, etc., take some time to ask them personally if they will help in the area they enjoy.

  2. Host a vision casting evening. Host an evening where you serve dinner or desserts and coffee and cast the vision for VBS; clearly tell potential volunteers why you do VBS, what you hope to accomplish, and why you need their help. The purpose of this evening is to help others “catch the vision” for why VBS is so important and the eternal impact it will have. Get them enthusiastic about the “why” behind VBS and they will be more likely to volunteer.

    Some tips for a vision casting event: make sure those coming to this evening understand there’s no obligation—it’s just to give them information and answer any questions. Decorate the space to match the VBS theme and consider serving some of the snacks from VBS week as snacks at the event. Reuse the decorations during VBS week. Share stories from previous years to drive home the impact a VBS program can have on children in your church and community.

  3. Plan “pep rallies.” These “pep rallies” are training sessions that you want to be upbeat, fun, and exciting. They help keep your volunteers excited for what they will be doing over the summer. Discover more about training workshops beginning on page 63 of the director guide.

  4. Get teens involved. Teens are valuable volunteers. They often have more time and energy in the summer than adults do and are usually glad to volunteer their time. The sky is the limit when it comes to incorporating godly, responsible teens into your VBS program. Drama, song leaders, team leaders, and assistant roles in games, crafts, or snack areas are popular places for teens to serve. So, be sure to invite the youth group to your vision casting event!

  5. Use our digital resources. Use the logos and clip art to create your volunteer recruitment flyers. Or, to save time, purchase the newly re-designed volunteer recruitment flyers.

  6. Above all, show excitement and pray that the Lord will direct the right people to you to help with your VBS program.

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