CHF Update: God’s Faithfulness to Somali Refugees in Ethiopia

November 29, 2023

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Can you imagine fleeing your home due to political instability and violence, arriving in a new country, and being given a small plot of land and a home constructed of nothing but mud bricks and corrugated steel—no furniture, comforts, nothing else? That’s what happened to a woman named Khadra and her two children. But even amid such hardship, the Lord has been faithful in using his local church to provide for this family’s physical and spiritual needs.

Now, why do we share this story? Well, we love to highlight the wonderful work our friends and ministry partners at Children’s Hunger Fund are doing. If you’ve hosted an Answers VBS in the past, you likely know the name Children’s Hunger Fund from our Mission Moment. We’ve chosen to partner with this ministry (and we hope you will too!) because they are dedicated to meeting the physical needs of impoverished people around the world by partnering with local churches so those families also hear the gospel message (their most important need!).

Now, a little more about Khadra’s story (you can read the full story on CHF’s blog):

Doctor—his name, not his profession—has been visiting Khadra and her children for over a year. With two young children in her care, Khadra had limited options for employment, and the Food Paks Doctor provided were gratefully received.

When Doctor saw how bare the home was and how little they had, he went to the church and asked if they could donate any used furniture or clothing to Khadra.

The church immediately told him, “No, we won’t do that; we’ll buy them new things.”

Now, instead of sitting on the dirt floor, they have a couch and some chairs. Khadra and her children have clothing and shoes. They have coverings for the metal walls and floor.

Within the last several months, Khadra has turned her small space into a homestead. With some initial help from the church, she has begun growing a variety of vegetables. She is also raising goats and chickens. In addition to feeding her family, these projects have provided her with an opportunity to earn some income.

However, the most beautiful thing about Khadra’s story is her unshakable faith. Even in her most destitute state, she knew that God would provide for her and her children. She knows, without any doubt, that God sees her, that he hears her, and that he loves her. The care of the local church has clearly been evidence of God’s faithfulness.

Khadra understands, just as our church partners do, that the food is not the focus of the ministry. The Food Pak is a tool to build relationships and share the hope of the gospel.

Khadra’s story is a beautiful example of how the local church is uniquely positioned to step into the lives of those in need and care for their physical and spiritual needs.

The local church is the means God uses to meet the immediate physical and spiritual needs of people around the world—and he uses the global church to support these local bodies!

Yes, the local church is the means God uses to meet the immediate physical and spiritual needs of people around the world—and he uses the global church to support these local bodies! (Isn’t it amazing being part of the body of Christ?) That’s why we’re thrilled that we’re continuing to partner with the mercy ministry of Children’s Hunger Fund through our Answers VBS program.

Each Answers VBS features a Mission Moment to help children think beyond themselves and see the needs of children just like them around the world. Churches love seeing the energy and enthusiasm with which children strive to raise money to meet the needs of these other children.

During summer 2023, over 1,000 churches that use our Answers VBS donated to CHF—our highest number ever! We’re so thankful for the partnership of these churches and excited to see how the Lord is using those funds in places like Ethiopia to help women like Khadra know every day that God is faithful.

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