Translation Ministry Update

by Ken Ham

Who would have thought that the Lord would use an exchange student, a non-Christian at the time, as the key in bringing AiG materials into the pagan country of Spain?

Let me share with you how four seemingly unrelated events came together in God’s miraculous way to see AiG’s Spanish-language materials to be distributed in Spain and other parts of the world.

  1. Over a year ago, we approached Dr Monty White, who worked at Cardiff University in Wales (UK), to head up AiG in UK/Europe. He agreed. Now we had a speaker and administrator to lead an effective base of outreach in Europe.
  2. The Lord had already laid it on our hearts to begin an extensive translation ministry. We now have various materials translated into 17 languages, with dozens of projects involving 12 languages in process, using volunteers all over the world.
  3. Now here’s another fascinating piece of this jigsaw puzzle. A Mexican national contacted us to ask if we would come to Mexico to speak, which we did. He also told us about his Spanish/English-speaking daughter. We offered Katia the position of translation coordinator, and she gladly accepted!
  4. We had realized that Spanish is the second most spoken language in the world (Chinese being first), so we set in motion a huge project to translate our major books and tracts in Spanish-and to produce a Spanish-language Creation magazine, newsletter, Web site, and even a radio program.

Now, the Lord started bringing all this together. A student in Spain, Ignacio, had been checking out our AiG Web site. He was a former exchange student in Oregon, who became a Christian in America, and whose trust in the Bible was greatly strengthened by our Creation magazine. He sent us an e-mail and pleaded with us to speak in Spain. We did in April.

As a result of the meetings in Spain, we now have a conduit to pour our Spanish materials into this country, where it is estimated only .2% are Bible-believing Christians. We expect the ministry in Spain to begin to grow-the Lord has opened the door and we have the witnessing materials to distribute!

I must admit, I never even thought about such an international outreach when we started AiG! How we praise the Lord for the way He is truly using this outreach not only in Spain, but in the whole world.

Your prayer and financial support will help enable AiG to reach our relatives-all of us going back to Adam and Eve-who have never had the opportunity to hear this vital message that the Bible can be trusted from its very first verse, including the Gospel message.


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