More Anti-Racism Billboards Go up in Cincinnati

Twenty more billboards that proclaim the real answer to racial problems were posted recently throughout racially torn Cincinnati, Ohio, USA by AiG! In May, 20 of the same billboards were placed around the city, and on the first day, 1037 people visited the Web site that is proclaimed on the billboards:

BillboardAiG-US, located just south of Cincinnati in Northern Kentucky, is attempting to bring healing to a city that witnessed rioting in April after the shooting death of an African-American young man by a police officer.

AiG, in cooperation with Morning Star Communications of Covington, KY, has placed billboards that declare “Racism? Get Answers!” Underneath that text is the Web address of our newly created site. Visitors to the site will:

  • Find the answer to the frequently asked question “Where did the so-called ‘races’ come from?”

  • Learn that science shows that all people actually have the same skin color!
  • Discover that Jesus Christ and His Word, the Bible, provide the only lasting answers to the problem of racism.

Ken Ham, Executive Director of AiG-US and co-author of the popular anti-racism book One Blood: The Biblical Answer to Racism (50,000 copies in print), declared: “We are so encouraged to know that so many thousands of people have been seeing the billboards and are then going to our Web site for real answers.”

Several local and national media outlets (e.g. USA Radio News, Salem Radio Network, etc.) have recently carried stories about this unique outreach of AiG.


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