L.A. Times’ Readers Slam AiG’s Creation Museum

A recent slew of ‘letters to the editor’ remind Christians just how strongly many people feel about those who believe in the absolute authority of God’s Word, from the very first verse.

“How sad and shocking to learn that so many people believe the biblical account of creation. … Why do they accept scientific theory from people who thought the Earth was flat?”

“Right next to the exhibit about the Taliban, they can place a sign offering directions to another outlying exhibit down the road in Kentucky, the Creation Museum & Family Discovery Center.”

“The ‘science’ in creation science [is] willful ignorance. … Evolution is a fact.”

A recent slew of “letters to the editor” remind Christians just how strongly many people feel about those who believe in the absolute authority of God’s Word, from the very first verse. Other comments included: “Shocking” and “Not a reasonable approach to reality.”

On Sunday, December 9, the American newspaper The Los Angeles Times published a lengthy, rather even-handed report on the new Creation Museum that Answers in Genesis—US is constructing near Cincinnati, Ohio, entitled T. Rex Meets Biblical Text at Museum. One of the main purposes of the museum is to “confront the culture” with the authority of the Bible–and confront it does! You can read some of these amazing letters against the museum project that were sent to the Times’ editor on their Web site. (The article is no longer available on the Web site, but was published as “Creationist Museum: Believe It or Not” in the Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles, Calif.; Dec. 12, 2001.)

One reason that the letters are so interesting is that the authors are guilty of the very wrongs that they accuse AIG of committing! They display intolerance, they project a radical agenda, and they’re ignorant of the real scientific methodology and presuppositions behind the creation/evolution debate. If they had only visited AIG’s Web site, they would have found plenty of answers for their comments and questions, which often appear somewhat silly, being based on incorrect information. For instance, the hoary myth that the Christian Church believed in a flat Earth.

One reader questioned why lions don’t have “vegetation-processing teeth” and how they could “subsist on asparagus instead of antelope” [see our Q&A on Genesis].

American newspapers are not often as interested in quoting letters from readers who applaud the work of apologetics ministries like AiG. We hope that a lady in Alaska, USA, after reading an abridged version of the Times’ article that appeared in her local paper, will see her letter get published in the Anchorage Daily News. She forwarded us a copy of her letter:


In response to the article from the L.A. Times, “The Creation Museum,” I take issue with the stance by Dr Eugenie Scott, Director of the National Center for Science Education. Dr Scott, I understand, is an atheist. … She did not quote a credible witness to testify to the origin of the Earth, nor can she replicate the event. A true scientist would not label evolution or creation as a theory, much less a fact, as neither meets the requirements of being tested, observed, or confirmed on the basis of science. … Her comments sound more like propaganda to promote her point of view or religion.

–R.H., Anchorage, Alaska, USA

It’s more important than ever that Christians stand up for the trustworthiness of God’s Word! We want our museum in America to show the world how real science supports everything said in the Scriptures.


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