AiG—on the Front Lines for Our Young People

by Ken Ham

I have something quite heart-wrenching to share with you this time. It’s about the intense anti-Christian indoctrination that young people are receiving in secular public schools of America. (80-90% of students from Christian homes attend public schools!)

I received a letter from Randy McClay, a nationally recognized science teacher in the public school system of Ohio, and it burdened me to see AiG’s Bible-upholding message disseminated more widely.

Randy was invited to review Ohio’s controversial new science “standards” (or guidelines). (See
A Teacher Comments on Ohio’s Proposed Science Standards.) He also served on a state-sponsored “focus group” that discussed the pro-evolutionary standards. In facing real-life challenges in countering evolutionary brainwashing, he wrote: “My heart aches for young people who seek everywhere and find no peace in the places where humanism tells them to look.”

Well, my heart aches too for the countless young people being indoctrinated in the anti-God belief of evolution in our schools. Thankfully, AiG has been raised up by the Lord to be at the front line of the battle for the minds of people.

The several testimonies we receive from students tell us that God is using AiG to bring many young people to salvation. For example:

“Thank you for your wonderful youth books. I have taught lessons for ages 8-12. God has worked miraculously through your [materials]. Over 50 children came to know the Lord. This is amazing. I have never seen the likes of this blessing.” (church worker in Virginia)

And another wonderful testimony (from Regan in Kentucky):

“My dad purchased Dinosaurs of Eden and read it to me. I prayed the prayer in the back of the book and I gave my life to God.”

Partner with me so that together we can see AiG reach even more young people-and adults-with the life-changing Gospel! Your gift will go to a non-profit ministry that is fighting the spiritual battle where it is “really at.”

What is happening in Ohio is actually occurring all over America. Please help AiG counter the propaganda efforts of humanists around the country. Find out about prayer and several financial support options.


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