Gay “Marriage” About to Become Law in Canada?

The Supreme Court of Canada ruled yesterday (December 9) that so-called gay “marriage” is constitutional. Six Canadian provinces (and a territory) had already passed legislation to permit such unions in their regions, but now Prime Minister Paul Martin has the court’s green light to introduce a federal law to allow “gay” marriage all across the country.

The Associated Press is reporting (December 10) that just after Christmas, Mr. Martin’s government intends to introduce a bill in Parliament that would legalize “gay” marriage. Canada would thus join The Netherlands and Belgium as the only nations that will have embraced unions by homosexuals and lesbians. No doubt many Christians and others throughout the country will be contacting the 308 members of Parliament’s House of Commons to voice their concerns before the vote, but right now, most political observers are expecting the bill to pass in the current political climate. Many church leaders and Christian groups, however, are mobilizing to change that climate (while many church leaders are sadly supporting the bill).

To read AiG’s perspective (starting with the origins of true marriage as recorded in the book of Genesis, and using other Scriptures), here are two items:

  1. a 2003 commentary by a Canadian supporter of AiG on protecting the sanctity of marriage
  2. AiG–USA President Ken Ham’s booklet on “gay” marriage (formatted so that you can print it out and give it to others—it can also serve as a witnessing tool)


  1. For more information on this Canadian controversy, read the observations of the staff of AiG at Exit SARS . . . Enter Same-Sex “Marriages”!.


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