Explore Creation

on January 1, 2023

Do you ever feel a little down in the winter when it’s dark and cold? If you feel cooped up inside, you can boost your mood with exercise. Exercise improves your physical health by keeping your heart, muscles, and bones strong. But exercise is good for your mental health, too.

Your body releases chemicals called serotonin (seh-ruh-TOE-nun) and endorphins (en-DOR-fins) that make you feel good when you exercise. Exercising can also help you sleep better at night, and stretching your body can help you relax.

When God created the world, he gave humans stewardship (STOO-urd-ship) over his creation—and his creation includes you. Stewardship means taking good care of something. So get up and get moving! Try to move your body at least one hour each day—but it doesn’t have to be all at once. Fifteen or twenty minutes here and there can really add up. Have fun!

Exercise is important no matter the season. Get your body moving with these activities.

Play games

Games like hide and seek, charades, and Simon Says require you to move but don’t require any equipment.

Help with chores

Find creative ways to make cleaning your room, vacuuming the floor, and other chores more fun.

Build a fort

With permission, make a fort using pillows, blankets, and other household items in your living room or bedroom.

Challenge yourself

See how many jumping jacks you can do in a set amount of time (like 30 seconds or a minute).

Kids Answers Magazine

Before Your Birthday

Months before your birthday, God was knitting you together in your mother’s womb (Psalm 139:13).

Browse Kids Issue