Lesson One: Islam and Jesus' Death and Resurrection

Chapter 1

on March 28, 2022

Islam and Jesus’ Death and Resurrection

Since crucifixion on a cross was a horrible, shameful way to die, Muslims don't believe Jesus died on the cross. In fact, they don't believe Jesus died at all. Muslims think Jesus was taken straight into heaven without dying. But if Jesus had not died, then he could not have risen from the dead. After he rose from the dead, he did go back into heaven. But first, he conquered death so that we can go there, too, and live forever with him! This is the good news of the gospel!

But how can we know for sure Jesus rose from the dead? The Bible tells us that there were many people who saw Jesus die— including his own mother. And then he appeared to his disciples after he had risen! John wrote all about it in his Gospel. They saw his wounds, so they knew it was Jesus. Let's read about one of those times when his disciples saw him in John 20:26–28.

Eight days later, his disciples were inside again, and Thomas was with them. Although the doors were locked, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you.” Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here, and see my hands; and put out your hand, and place it in my side. Do not disbelieve, but believe.” Thomas answered him, “My Lord and my God!”

Thomas hadn’t been with the disciples when Jesus appeared to them the first time. When the others told Thomas that Jesus was alive, he didn’t believe them. But when Jesus showed Thomas the wounds on his hands and side, he believed.

Sharing the Real Jesus

As soon as Thomas saw the proof of Jesus’ death and resurrection, he knew that Jesus is really the Son of God. We, too, must believe that Jesus is God if we want to be saved. We need to trust that Jesus took the punishment for sin on the cross and that he conquered death by rising to life again.

This is what makes Christianity different. People of other religions have faith in men who have died. Our faith is in the Son of God who died and came back to life.


The disciples saw the risen Jesus and knew that he was the Son of God. After Jesus went back to heaven, his followers shared the good news of his death and resurrection with many people. Jesus wants us to tell others about him, too, including people of other religions.

Here's an example of how you might do that.

Question: “I have to keep doing good things so I can go to heaven. Is that what Christians do?”
Answer: The Bible says we won’t get to heaven by doing good things. We are saved by grace. If we trust in Jesus, we will go to heaven when we die.

Question: “Wasn’t Jesus just a man? How can he save you from your sins?”
Answer: The Bible says Jesus came to take away our sins by dying on the cross. Jesus was God’s Son and he had no sin. He took the punishment we deserve when he died. When we believe in him, we can be forgiven and have eternal life. (See 1 Peter 2:24)

“Why do you think Jesus is the Son of God?”
When Jesus was baptized, God spoke from heaven and called Jesus his Son. Only God’s Son could come back to life. No other person has ever done that.

“How can you believe that Jesus died and came back to life?”
People saw him die on the cross, and many others saw him after he rose again. He showed the disciples the wounds in his hands and side. Thomas didn’t believe it at first, but when he saw him, he knew Jesus had risen.

Easter is a great time to think about sharing Jesus’ resurrection with others because that is what we’re celebrating! You could use what we learned from the Bible today to talk about Jesus with anyone, not just a Muslim. Some people really don’t know why we’re celebrating. You could share the real Jesus with them by telling them what Easter is about!

Prayer Time

  • Thank God for sending Jesus to be our Savior.
  • Ask God for boldness to share the Easter message with others.

ABC Easter Lessons Set Two (Excerpt)

Jesus’ death and resurrection are the central part of the gospel message. Jesus died, rose from the dead, and appeared to many witnessess to confirm what happened.

Browse Kids Book