Spiders Wield Intelligent Tools

on April 1, 2022
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Common household spiders can take on large prey—even lizards—by using their silky webs as “bungee cords” to hoist up their victims.

Common household spiders can take on large prey—even lizards—by using their silky webs as “bungee cords” to hoist up their victims. Using their bodyweight, the spiders stretch and attach strands of this elastic-like silk to their prey. Eventually, after enough strands have been attached, the tension of the web hauls the prey from the ground.

Researchers were surprised to see spiders using their silk in such a sophisticated way, but we shouldn’t be surprised by an intelligent creation because we have an intelligent Creator. While spiders wouldn’t have used their silk for predatory purposes before death entered the world, it is still a marvel to see the many ways in which animals have adapted to survive in a fallen world.

This article was taken from Answers magazine, July–September, 2021, 29.