Where are the Great Beasts Today?

Hall of Life—Dinosaur Exhibits

on February 1, 2016

Several animals that were once thought to be extinct are now known to be alive (for example, the coelacanth). In recent years there has been intriguing testimony from people living near the dense jungles of central Africa and New Guinea to suggest that dinosaurs might still be alive. But we need more evidence to be sure.

If dinosaurs are indeed extinct, did they die out when a giant meteor slammed into the earth about 65 million years ago? Did they evolve into birds? (See p. 63 for the answer.) These are the stories evolutionists tell us in the secular natural history museums. The truth is that, if they are truly extinct, the evidence presented previously (e.g., dragon legends, possible eye-witness reports) indicates that they died out sometime over the past few hundred or thousand years since the Flood. And this would have likely been caused by the same factors that cause many animals to go extinct today: loss of habitat and food supply, disease, climate change, hunting pressures by man or other animals, etc.

There are many problems with the impact theory for dinosaur extinction. As you learn about this idea from the museum, consider the following points that have been made by evolutionists Charles Officer and Jake Page in The Great Dinosaur Extinction Controversy. Addison-Wesley, 1996:

  • The number of dinosaurs declines gradually as one goes upward through the fossil record, rather than all at once, as the impact theory would suggest.
  • Many species of animals that require light survived the alleged impact and the subsequent darkening of the skies that supposedly resulted from the impact debris.

For more information, see www.answersingenesis.org/go/dinosaurs.

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