Excerpt from Marvels of Creation: Magnificent Mammals

by Buddy Davis and Kay Davis on April 8, 2014

The complexities of life and the design implied therein are strong monuments to a Creator and the Genesis account of creation.

Marvels of Creation: Magnificent Mammals

The complexities of life and the design implied therein are strong monuments to a Creator and the Genesis account of creation upon which mankind can build a strong defense for faith in God.

On the other hand, those same complexities expose evolution as an outdated theory with many flaws. For how could time, matter, and chance ever create life out of nothing? Even for the simplest of life forms to exist would require thousands of complex molecules to form at the same instant, precisely integrated with each other, carrying massive amounts of information.

For more complex forms to keep evolving would require large numbers of favorable mutations to continually add new information. However, the probability of many complex, interacting, information-bearing molecules all forming at the same time is zero, and science has so far not even observed one mutation that adds new information. In fact, nearly all mutations are either neutral or harmful, not favorable or beneficial. Even those rare ones that are a benefit degrade the information; i.e., they are “useful defects.”


In addition, the complexities of life reach a level beyond any “natural” explanation, for DNA, the information system in all living cells, is useless without another information system already in place to read, understand, and act upon it. Evolutionists teach that DNA is a product of chance, but how do they explain the system that interprets it? The truth is, there is no explanation because information must always come from information, which must ultimately come from a source of intelligence, and that source of intelligence must ultimately be an infinite Intelligence.

This complexity of life works on another scale as well: the interaction of complex mechanisms. Living things are full of complicated systems and structures, especially at the microscopic level, which would be useless unless all of the components were there at once. Even supposing that the information required for life and the complexities of interacting systems did arise by chance, evolution still lacks the fossil evidence that such transitional steps occurred. Charles Darwin admitted that the fossil record lacked this evidence, but he believed that the transitional forms would be found in time. However, after 140 years, the only evidence scientists have found in the rock layers supports the abrupt appearance of the various animal kinds without any real transitional forms. The oldest fossil dragonfly still looks like a dragonfly. The oldest fossil bat still looks like a bat. The oldest fossil fish still looks like a fish. And the list goes on and on. Evolution still has the same problem with the fossil record that Darwin noted, yet the sudden appearance of all the different kinds of plants and animals is exactly what we would expect to find if creation were true. The fossil record supports the evidence of God’s created kinds and the destruction of most of that creation by a worldwide flood.

Marvels of Creation: Magnificent Mammals

Brings the world of wild creatures alive in a unique and colorful way with photographs, pages of facts and commentaries.

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