Tommy Mitchell


Tommy Mitchell

Dr. Tommy Mitchell

As a retired medical doctor, Dr. Tommy Mitchell later used his knowledge as a speaker, researcher, and writer for Answers in Genesis. He passed into the presence of his Lord on September 17, 2019.

Dr. Mitchell was saved at age 17, and soon after, when he started his first year of college, he decided to become a medical doctor. Always a “science geek,” he was particularly interested in biological science, so medical school seemed to be the right direction for him.

In 1980, Dr. Mitchell graduated with highest honors from the University of Tennessee with a degree in cell biology. Dr. Mitchell then attended Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, where he received his medical degree in 1984. He completed his residency at Vanderbilt University Affiliated Hospitals in 1987 and was elected a Fellow of the American College of Physicians (F.A.C.P.) in 1991.

As he tried to reconcile his newfound faith with the evolutionary worldview taught in his undergraduate studies and in medical school, Dr. Mitchell became a theistic evolutionist (someone who believes that God used evolution to create the earth). After returning home to begin his new medical practice in Gallatin, Tennessee, Dr. Mitchell began to realize the errors of the evolutionary philosophies he had been taught. God soon opened his eyes to the truth of the biblical record, and he saw that God’s Word was true from the first verse.

Dr. Mitchell believed that nothing in the universe points to an all-knowing, all-powerful Creator more than the human body. He said, “There is no possibility that the human body came into existence by random processes over millions of years. The body is not a chemical accident. It is the work of our Creator God.”

As a Christian physician, Dr. Mitchell tried to show the love of Christ as he interacted with his patients. He prayed with them and shared the gospel with nonbelievers. His patients frequently asked, “If God is good, why do death and suffering exist?” Since Dr. Mitchell believed that Genesis is the true account of origins, he always had the answer: “Our world is broken because of our sin.”

In the mid-1990s, Dr. Mitchell met Ken Ham and became an avid supporter of AiG. In 1999, he served as seminar chairman for an extremely well-attended Answers in Genesis conference (featuring Ken) in Hendersonville, Tennessee (near Nashville).

In mid-2005, Dr. Mitchell began speaking for Answers in Genesis, clearly communicating reasons to trust the Bible and the Creator Christ who wrote it.

Dr. Mitchell had a thriving medical practice for 20 years, but in late 2006, he withdrew from medical practice to pursue creation ministry full-time.

Over his many years of ministry, Dr. Mitchell spoke to thousands of people on creation in many churches and venues, including overseas evangelistic mission efforts to Poland, Ukraine, and Jamaica. He also wrote articles for AiG’s website and other publications. He was the featured speaker during AiG’s relief efforts after Hurricane Katrina, resulting in a Telly award-winning DVD, A God of Suffering?

Even though he was confident that the Lord wanted him at AiG, Dr. Mitchell missed caring for his patients—especially those who were his patients for 20 years—but he was thankful to be reaching people with the truth of the authority of God’s Word beginning with the book of Genesis. He had a burden to provide solid biblical answers to equip people to stand in the face of personal tragedy and popular evolutionary misinformation. Using communication skills developed over his many years of medical practice, he was able to connect with people at all educational levels and unveil the truth that can change their lives.

Interesting Facts

  • Dr. Mitchell was married to Elizabeth (herself a retired obstetrician and a writer for Answers in Genesis) for 37 years. They have three daughters.
  • He was an avid Mac user.
  • He loved guitars.
  • He enjoyed trying to beat Ken Ham at cribbage.