Squirt Science

U.S. Geological Survey from Reston, VA, USA [Public domain]

on May 1, 2020

The ocean floor is covered with tiny animals, called sea squirts, which filter plankton from the water. Despite their simple appearance, they have unique abilities that intrigue researchers.

The simple sea squirt has an amazing talent never seen before—it can regenerate its entire body from a single scrap of a blood vessel.

Its secret is a special kind of stem cell that is similar to human stem cells. Researchers who believe in evolution are studying these stem cells to learn how simple animals evolved this miraculous ability while it has been lost in more complex creatures. They hope their research may uncover ways to regenerate human tissue and organs.

Note the irony. Because they start with evolution, these scientists deny that the Creator designed the sea squirt and gave it its ability. Yet, as they marvel that sea squirt stem cells do something that humans cannot and consider how this might benefit humans, they again fail to glorify the Creator. Unwittingly, they still obey his command to have dominion over creation, reaping benefits from the astonishing designs they discover all around us.

Article was taken from Answers magazine, November–December, 2019, 22.