Did Jesus Have a Belly Button?

on February 29, 2024

Hi! Welcome back to the Kids Answers magazine blog, where we answer your big questions about God’s Word and God’s world.

Eden asked, “Did Jesus have a belly button?” What a fun question!

Before you were born, you were growing in a special organ in your mother’s body called a womb. As you developed, you were connected to her by an umbilical (uhm-BI-luh-kl) cord. The umbilical cord brought you the nutrients you needed to grow. Every human and most mammal babies are fed through an umbilical cord before they are born. After you were born, you no longer needed to be fed through the cord, so it was cut off. The belly button is the scar that remains from the cord.

The only two humans who most likely didn’t have belly buttons were Adam and Eve.

The only two humans who most likely didn’t have belly buttons were Adam and Eve. God formed Adam out of dust (Genesis 2:7) and Eve from Adam’s rib (Genesis 2:21–22). Because these two humans were not born from a womb and because God created them as adults, they did not need the umbilical cord to get food.

However, Jesus came to earth as a human (Hebrews 2:14), though he was still fully God. As he grew in Mary’s womb (Luke 2:5–7), Jesus was fed through an umbilical cord just like any other human baby. So Jesus had a belly button—just like you!

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