How Do Animals Beat the Heat?

on July 17, 2023

Hi! Welcome back to the Kids Answers magazine blog, where we answer your big questions about God’s Word and God’s world.

It’s summertime, and we’re thinking about how to beat the heat! Maybe you like to cool off with a dip in the pool, a glass of ice-cold lemonade, or a scoop of your favorite ice cream.

Though most animals don’t enjoy sweet treats when it’s hot, God created them with their own clever ways to beat the heat. In the July–September issue of Kids Answers magazine, we talked about some of these unique techniques. Here are a few more!

  • Did you know that some animals sweat like humans? Horses, monkeys, apes, and hippos all beat the heat by sweating. Sweat leaves the skin through tiny holes called pores. When the sweat hits the air, it evaporates (ee-VAH-por-ates) or turns into gas, cooling the animal.
  • A goat’s horns act as an all-natural air conditioner. Blood vessels in the horns carry blood from the body to the edges of the horns, where it cools off. The cooled blood then cycles back into the goat’s body.
  • Shoebill birds vibrate their neck muscles to “shake off” excess heat. This is a technique called gular (GULL-ur) fluttering.
  • Scientists recently discovered that echidnas (eh-KID-nuhs) blow snot bubbles to keep cool. The bubble bursts over the tip of the echidna’s nose and cools the skin behind its nostrils.

God has equipped his creatures with everything they need to survive, even on the hottest days.

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