Creepy Cabins and the Perfect Inheritance

Lesson 186

“Here’s the mail!” said Justin, setting a stack of envelopes on the table.

“Thanks,” said Dad, reaching for the top envelope. He opened it and began to read the letter inside.

“Who is that from, Dear?” asked Mom as she poured a cup of coffee.

“It’s from a lawyer in Colbyville,” he said.

“Colbyville? Where’s that?” Justin asked as he poured syrup on his waffles.

“It’s a little town, not too far from here,” Dad answered as he continued reading.

“Well, how about that?” Dad handed the letter to Mom. “I’ve been given an inheritance by my great uncle Colby.”

“What?!” Mom exclaimed, glancing at the letter.

“Who’s Uncca Coby?” asked Ellie, Justin’s little sister.

“Uncle Colby was my great uncle—my dad’s uncle. And he was the first man to buy land and build a house in the town of Colbyville.”

“Since he was the first one there, they named the town after him,” Mom explained.

“Anyway, he has passed away and left all his things to his heirs.”

“Heirs?” asked Justin. “What does that mean?”

“I know,” said Ellie. “I bwush my hairs evwey day.”

Dad chuckled. “No, Sweetie. I’m not talking about hairs on your head. I’m talking about heirs—people in your family.”

“Oh.” Ellie shrugged then crammed a piece of waffle in her mouth.

“Well, what did you get?” asked Mom.

“It sounds like I got a cabin and the land it’s sitting on,” Dad answered with a grin. He held up an old key.

“A cabin? Like out in the woods?” asked Justin. “That sounds great!”

“Just think, a lovely vacation cabin! When can we go see it?” Mom asked excitedly.

“How about right after breakfast?” Dad suggested.

Everyone was so eager to go, they crammed waffles into their mouths as fast as they could! Soon they piled into the van and headed out to see their inheritance.

“Are we dere yet?” asked Ellie as the family drove along.

“Not yet, Sweetie,” Dad replied.

“How much longer?” asked Justin.

“Only a few more miles,” said Mom. “It’s pretty out here in the country, lots of trees and birds.”

“There’s a great lake for fishing nearby, too,” said Dad happily.

Finally, they turned down a long driveway. Gravel crunched under the wheels as the car bumped along—clunk, ka-plunk.

“Wow! This road is sure bumpy.” Justin grabbed onto his seat.

“Yay! Bumpy bump!” Ellie cheered as they bounced along.

“There it is!” Dad exclaimed. Dad stopped the car, and they all got out. “This is it,” said Dad as he looked around. “Hmm. Doesn’t look like much, does it?”

“How OLD is this thing?” Mom asked, staring at the crooked house. “I don’t think it’ll stand up much longer!”

Justin had never seen anything like this sagging wooden building. It reminded him of a cabin where the cowboys lived in an old western movie. “Cool!” he said.

“Look, Jussin, a bunny!” Ellie pointed to a little creature peeking out from under a bush.

Dad led the group up to the porch and took out his key to the front door. But before he could put his key in the lock, Justin pushed on the door, and it creaked open—eeeek!

“Okay, that was creepy,” said Mom, shivering.

“Uh, guess I didn’t need this old key,” said Dad as he put the key in his pocket and stepped inside.

“Eww,” said Mom. “It looks like there’s a hundred years of dust in here!” She grabbed a broom standing nearby and started sweeping the floor.

Justin found an old rocking chair to try out while Dad explored the kitchen. Then he opened the bedroom door. Suddenly, something jumped out from under the bed. “Whoa!” Dad yelped. The creature dashed around the bedroom and darted into the main cabin room. “Watch out!” Dad hollered.

“Ahhh!” Mom screamed as the animal skittered passed her—straight for Justin, who was still in the rocking chair.

“Yipes!” Justin cried, rocking back in the chair. He rocked so hard that the chair turned over backwards—and Justin tumbled onto the floor.

“Kitty!” Ellie squealed, as the creature finally scampered out the front door.

“What WAS that?!” asked Justin, untangling himself from the toppled rocking chair.

“Kitty, kitty!” Ellie shouted.

“No, Ellie,” said Dad. “That was NOT a kitty. I think it was a badger. It sure startled me.”

“Whew! Well, whatever it was, it’s gone now,” said Mom with a sigh of relief.

When they finished exploring, Justin and his family headed home. “That’s a great cabin, Dad,” said Justin.

“I like da bunnies and kitties,” Ellie chimed in.

“Well,” said Mom. “It would take a lot of cleaning and fixing before we could actually use it for anything.”

“That’s true,” agreed Dad. “But it would make a great fishing cabin. It’s near the lake.”

“I don’t know . . .” said Mom. “When you said ‘inheritance,’ I thought it would be a lovely cottage—without creepy creatures scaring me half to death.”

Dad laughed. “I’m sure the animals will stay outside after we fix it up. You’ll just have to wait a little longer for your beautiful inheritance.”

“You mean Mom’s got one, too?” asked Justin.

“Yes, Justin. All of God’s children have an inheritance to look forward to,” said Mom. “Only it will be wonderful, and it will never grow old and fall apart.”

“Wow!” exclaimed Justin. “But where is it?”

“In heaven, Son,” Dad replied. “It won’t be anything like Great Uncle Colby’s cabin. God’s inheritance will be absolutely perfect!”

A Fun Part of Answers Bible Curriculum

Justin & Jessie show younger kids how the Bible applies to real life! These weekly stories are a supplement to the Answers Bible Curriculum take-home sheets. For more information about our full-Bible, chronological Sunday school program for all ages, and to download sample lessons, see Answers Bible Curriculum