Link to Answers in Genesis

We encourage links to from your website. There are several options available for keeping up to date with the most current information:

  1. Add AiG’s lead article to your website—automatically updated daily!
  2. Add the Get Answers rotation to your website.
  3. Add an AiG logo to your website.

Option 1: Add AiG’s lead article to your website—automatically updated daily!

To use a link to the lead article that is featured on our website each day, add the following code to any page on your website. Your website will automatically be updated every day when we post our new article.

<script type="text/javascript" src=""> </script> <noscript><a href="">Answers in Genesis</a></noscript>

This will create an area on your website which displays the same lead article summary that is seen on our home page. You can enclose this feature in a table cell to control size if you would like. The display will look similar to the following:

Option 2: Add the Get Answers rotation to your website

The Get Answers rotation is a great way to spark interest and to witness to visitors of your website. To use the rotation, add the following code to any page on your website. Your rotation will automatically be updated as we update the rotation on our site.

<script type="text/javascript" src=""> </script>
<noscript><a href="">Answers in Genesis</a></noscript>

This will create a box on your website which displays a random creation/evolution question, and a link to the answer. The display will look like the following: (The question will change each time the page is loaded.)

Option 3: Add an AiG logo to your website

There are several logos you can use for your site. All logos have transparent backgrounds, and as such will match the background color or background pattern of your site. Choose the best logo version based on your site’s background:

Logo 1: Color logo

Here’s how this logo looks:

AiG Logo

Add the following code to your site to use this logo:

<!-- Link to Answers in Genesis -->
<a href="">
<img src="" style="width:135px;height:44px;border:0;" alt="Answers in Genesis"></a>

Logo 2: Black logo—Use if your site has a white or light background and you would like a simple black logo.

Here’s how this logo looks:

AiG Logo

Add the following code to your site to use this logo:

<!-- Link to Answers in Genesis -->
<a href="">
<img src="" style="width:135px;height:44px;border:0;" alt="Answers in Genesis"></a>

Logo 3: White logo—Use if your site has a black or dark background.

Here’s how this logo looks:

AiG Logo

Add the following code to your site to use this logo:

<!-- Link to Answers in Genesis -->
<a href="">
<img src="" style="width:135px;height:44px;border:0;" alt="Answers in Genesis"></a>


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