Bible Timeline

The Bible provides a reliable history of the universe and the events described in the Bible, particularly in the early chapters of Genesis, providing a framework through which we can interpret science and history.

Event Date
Creation 4004 BC
The Flood 2348 BC
Tower of Babel 2246 BC
Abraham 1996 BC
Joseph 1745 BC
Moses and the Exodus 1491 BC
David 1085 BC
Monarchy Divides 975 BC
Assyrian Destruction of Israel 722 BC
Babylonian Captivity of Judah 586 BC
Jesus 4 BC

Timeline of Creation

The age of the earth is one of the most contentious issues in the creation/evolution debate. In today’s culture, the thought of creation occurring about 6,000 years ago is frequently mocked by non-Christians—and also by many Christians.

Timeline of the Flood

When exactly was the Flood? There are two possible ways of calculating the date. The first is from creation, and the other is from the present.

Do the Genesis Geneologies Have Gaps?

The evidence is strong that the Genesis genealogies are closed. God created Adam on Day Six, approximately 4,000 years before Christ. There does not seem to be any support for the notion that there are gaps in the Genesis genealogies.

Secular History and the Biblical Timeline

How can we reconcile the secular history of the world with what the Bible clearly teaches? Using God's Word as authoritative, we know the pyramids of Egypt couldn't have been built prior to creation. Also, they would not have been built prior to the Flood as they would have been destroyed.

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