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Teaching like Jesus

by Taylor Browning on March 16, 2024

Jesus used a variety of tools to instruct and engage his audience. He used visual aids and object lessons (Matthew 6:28, 18:2, 24:32), stories (Luke 8:5, 10:30, 15:11), and current events (Luke 13:4, 20:25). He used relevant and effective illustrations to help his students learn. He challenged his students with hyperbole (Matthew 5:29; Luke 14:26) and metaphor (Matthew 16:6; John 6:35, 10:9). He lectured to crowds (Matthew 5–7) and taught one-on-one (John 3). He asked questions (Matthew 16:15) and answered questions (Matthew 13:11). He gave homework and followed up on it (Matthew 9:13, 12:7). Jesus knew his students and loved them. He taught with patience and humility.

John 13 provides many such examples of the teaching tools Jesus used.

John 13

Jesus Used Scripture as His Foundation.

Jesus often quoted Scripture in his teachings (Matthew 19:4, 22:37–40; Luke 17:26–29; John 3:14, 20). By founding his sermons and interactions with others on Scripture, Jesus demonstrated that his Word is not an add-on but the lens through which everything should be seen and understood.

As Christian educators, we must understand that teaching our students a biblical worldview is not adding Bible themes to math problems or using Bible passages as examples of literary genre (although there is nothing wrong with doing so). Rather, it is helping students understand that there are laws in our universe because our Creator is a God of order. It is teaching students that language comes from the God who made everything for and through his Word, and multiple languages are a result of his merciful intervention at the tower of Babel. Teaching biblical worldview is taking God’s Word as truth and teaching every subject on that basis.

Learning like Disciples

Jesus intended for his disciples to go out and teach others what they had learned. But he reminded them that a student is not greater than his teacher (Luke 6:40). Even after becoming a teacher himself, Peter continued learning from his Teacher when, in another vivid illustration, God taught him that salvation had come to the Gentiles (Acts 10–11). We must have “ears to hear” by learning with humility and accepting instruction with grace.

We must never stop being students of Jesus as we lead our students and point them to him.

For help teaching your students from a biblical worldview, check out the resources below.

  • Alphabet Apologetics Word Wall Cards: 26 alphabet cards featuring each letter of the alphabet and a corresponding biblical word. A small 4–5-page guide is also included, which lists the corresponding Scripture and discussion for each letter (mirroring the alphabet cards) and some suggested activities to do with the alphabet cards.

  • Alphabet Apologetics Flashcards: 26 alphabet flashcards featuring each letter of the alphabet and a corresponding biblical word on the front and scriptural, historical, and apologetic content about the word on the back.

The word wall cards and flashcards can be used by parents, homeschoolers, Christian schools, and Sunday schools.

Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.

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