Affirmations and Denials Confirmation

Coming to Grips with Genesis

One of the appendices of Coming to Grips with Genesis is the document “Affirmations and Denials Essential to a Consistent Christian (Biblical) Worldview,” which is meant to be a supplement to the affirmations and denials in the statements on biblical inerrancy and biblical hermeneutics by the International Council on Biblical Inerrancy published in the early 1980s. As helpful as those documents were for the church’s understanding of Scripture, the authors of Coming to Grips with Genesis believe that the statements related to creation, evolution, and the age of the earth were inadequate and opened the door to false ideas in the church. We invite others who are theologically trained and agree with us to add their names to the list of signatories and to do all they can to encourage Christians in their sphere of influence to embrace, teach, and defend these additional affirmations and denials.

To be on the list of signatories of the “Affirmations and Denials Essential to a Consistent Christian (Biblical) Worldview,” the signer should have at least a master’s degree in theology, religion, or missions. In some cases, we will accept those without one of these advance theological degrees but who are recognized Christian leaders.

The qualified signer needs to send the following items to Answers in Genesis:

  1. Signed copy of the “Affirmations and Denials” document.
  2. Resume/CV.
  3. List of two or three English-speaking references, with contact information (phone, postal and email), preferably from biblical Christians and one from your current pastor. We will contact the references, as well as the person wanting to add their name to the list of signatories of the “Affirmations and Denials” document.
  4. Completed Signer’s Quick Fact Sheet below (can be filled out and submitted on-line, or printed and sent by post with the other three items).

Mail these items to Answers in Genesis, Attn: Correspondence Dept., PO Box 510, Hebron, KY 41048. You may also attach these documents to an email by replying to the email you automatically receive after you submit the Signer’s Quick Fact Sheet.

Signer’s Quick Fact Sheet

This information will not be given to anyone outside the Answers in Genesis ministry (in accordance with our privacy policy), except for your name, highest academic degree, place of employment and city, state, and country of residence, which will be posted at the end of the “Affirmations and Denials” document on the Answers in Genesis web site after we have confirmed the validity of the information you have given us.

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