Make a Toilet Paper Bird Feeder

Get Your Hands Dirty

on January 1, 2021

Winter can be a tough time for birds. The days are short, the nights are cold, and food is harder to find. The summer buffet of fruit and insects is gone. Even seeds are often blown away by winter winds or get soggy in the snow and aren’t fit to eat. That’s why God designed most birds to fly to warmer places (migrate) during the winter, where they can find more to eat.

But not all birds migrate. Some rely on backyard bird feeders to stay full, and even the birds on a migration journey will stop to refuel at feeders. You can lend a hand—or wing—to our feathered friends by providing food during the cold months. The best bird foods contain high fat and oil to give the birds energy. Offer the birds peanuts and peanut butter, sunflower seeds, and other seed mixes.

Birds aren’t the only ones who have a hard time finding food in winter. Squirrels, mice, raccoons, and other critters do too. Help protect the birds from predators by placing food near brush or a hedge where birds can hide.

You can make your own bird feeder at home with just a few items that you probably already have.


  • toilet paper roll
  • peanut butter
  • birdseed


  1. Remove any extra toilet paper stuck to the roll.
  2. With a spoon or butter knife, spread peanut butter all over the outside of the roll. You can hold the inside of the roll with your fingers to keep your hands clean—well, mostly.
  3. Pour some birdseed onto a plate, and move the roll around until it’s coated with seeds.
  4. Hang your feeder outside by slipping the roll over a tree branch.

Now grab a warm blanket, a cup of hot chocolate, and enjoy watching your feathered friends find your feeder!

Buddy Davis

Hello there! I’m Buddy Davis, the host of Out and About on Answers TV. Let’s get our hands a little dirty as we investigate God’s amazing creation.

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