Uluru: A Massive Rock in the Middle of Nowhere

Image courtesy of Andrew Snelling.

by Avery Foley on December 17, 2021

Uluru—you can’t miss it! This massive red rock rises from the Australian desert floor with nothing else around it but dirt and a few scrubby trees and grasses. At 1,100 ft tall and measuring six miles around its base, Uluru is by far the biggest thing to be seen on the flat desert landscape. So how did it get there?

Well, here are three different options:

  1. The evolutionary view: Uluru is the result of a slow and gradual process in an ancient shallow sea.
  2. The Australian Aboriginal view: Sometime in the past, the spirits of past relatives woke up and created the world. After making the people and animals, they went back to sleep in places like Uluru. In this view, Uluru is a sacred rock that is actually alive.
  3. The flood view: The layers that make up Uluru were deposited rapidly during the year-long global flood described in Genesis. As the flood ended, those layers were tilted and uplifted into the formation we see today.

So how can we know which option is the right one? Well, we need to compare everything we read or hear against the absolute authority written by the One who knows everything, has always been there, and never lies to us. Do you know what that absolute authority is? That’s right—the Bible!

The Bible tells us God created everything in six days (Genesis 1, Exodus 20:11), so we know Uluru can’t be the result of millions of years. Earth isn’t that old! So we know the evolutionary view is wrong.

The Bible tells us that “in the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1)… so we know that our ancient ancestors didn’t create animals and people. We also know that God gives life, and he didn’t give life to rocks! So we know the Aboriginal view is merely a legend.

The Bible tells us a global flood that destroyed the world of that time (Genesis 6–7). This was a massive catastrophe! This fits perfectly with the view that Uluru was formed during the flood. In fact, instead of calling that view “the flood view,” we could say it’s the biblical view!

And there’s great evidence that the biblical view is the right one. The rock layers that make up the massive boulder contain pink feldspar grains. Feldspar is really fragile. It quickly breaks down by water, heat, or air. If these grains had been around for millions of years, they’d be gone, and Uluru would be a lump of clay and sand. But it’s not! That’s because Uluru is only a few thousand years old. The Bible’s history explains Uluru!