A Fun Fall Day: Leaves, Spuds, and a Giant Launcher

by Avery Foley Schu on November 18, 2022

Hey there, Creation Explorer!

Here where we’re currently living in Ontario, Canada, fall is ending, and winter is on its way. Our favorite part of fall here is the gorgeous maple leaves. The red, orange, and gold leaves are so beautiful (and the “crunch” when you walk through them is so fun!).

  • Felicity enjoying fall

    Felicity enjoying the fall leaves behind our house.

  • Tree-lined road during Autumn

    Photo by Eden Boudreau on Unsplash.

If you live in an area with fall leaves, what do you like to do with them? Rake them into piles to jump into? Pile them on the bottom of a slide and slide through them? Press and dry them to make crafts with? Well, Trevor came up with a rather unique idea for the fall leaves: pile them up and shoot potatoes through them!

Trevor, Winston, and Felicity with the potato launcher

Trevor, Winston, and Felicity with the potato launcher.

Yes, you read that right! Trevor built his own potato launcher, got a big bag of potatoes, raked up a big pile of leaves, and spent an afternoon with the kids, shooting potatoes at the leaves. And, yes, there’s a video!

Kids—don’t try this at home! And certainly not without an adult!

So why do the trees lose their leaves each year, and what happens to all those billions of leaves? Find out (and meet some very cool creature friends!) in this Season 1 episode of Schus Off!, “Decomposers.”

Well, we’re off on another adventure. Until next time, let’s praise the God who made such a beautiful world in all seasons! “Praise the Lord! Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty heavens! Praise him for his mighty deeds; praise him according to his excellent greatness!” (Psalm 150:1–2).

P.S. Ask your parents about trying a free seven-day trial of Answers TV to enjoy the rest of Season 1 and Season 2 of Schus Off!