Molecular Clock

The Molecular Clock

Molecular clocks are calibrated in accord with dates assigned to fossils and the mutation rates of DNA. Since evolution of new life forms supposedly occurs by accumulating favorable mutations, knowing the mutation rate is essential to evolutionary time estimates.

Mutations and the Human Genome

The first direct measurement of human mutation rates ever done contains surprises which call molecular clock assumptions into question and prompt some re-thinking of our genetic understanding. Analysis of data from two families in the “1000 Genomes Project” database suggests that humans mutate much more slowly than predicted.

Ancestral Angiosperm Genome Project

Dating of fossils requires certain unverifiable assumptions, as does dating of genetic events by any sort of “molecular clock.” Evolutionists have trouble seeing how mutations can produce variety so “quickly” and are much happier when a couple of million years can be added to the available time.

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