Responding to Compromised Curriculum

People who deny biblical creation often claim that as long as Christians affirm the doctrines that are essential for salvation, we should not be divisive over secondary issues, and place creation firmly in the “secondary” category. The theistic evolutionists at BioLogos, for example, show that far from only affecting “minor, secondary” doctrines, their view requires radical reinterpretation of the creation narrative, including the loss of the historical Adam, historical Fall, and global Flood of Noah’s day. In such attempts to reconcile the Bible and evolution, no biblical doctrine goes unscathed.

Because theistic evolution and the Bible are mutually exclusive, both cannot be right. And since foundational doctrines that affect the gospel are at stake, we cannot withhold criticism. This series of articles shows how Christians can respond to compromising curricula and gives a robust defense of the plain, historical interpretation of the Genesis creation account.

Articles About Responding to Compromised Curriculum

  • Sept. 24, 2021

    Curricula like Integrate accuse biblical creationists of appealing to a “God of the gaps”—yet this charge often forgets humanity’s smallness and the universe’s complexity.

  • Sept. 15, 2021

    BioLogos' Integrate curriculum critiques young earth creation with logical fallacies and fails to distinguish between historical and operational sciences.

  • July 16, 2021

    Theistic evolutionary curriculum Integrate fails to distinguish between empirical and historical science & how worldview affects our entire perspective.

  • June 15, 2021

    BioLogos has written a curriculum named Integrate and has been republishing articles on their website in support of and defense of it.

  • June 1, 2021

    In the creation/evolution debate, only one group can be right—Biologos & their Integrate curriculum oppose the plain reading of Genesis.


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