Breakthrough on Creator's Code!

Originally published in Creation 16, no 2 (March 1994): 6.

Carl Sagan, an ardent evolutionist, atheist and fervent believer in life in outer space, has been involved in a search for extraterrestrial intelligence (ETI).

Using radio telescopes, he and others have listened to signals coming from space to see if there is any sign of ETI.

The evidence he is looking for is non-random signals which reduce to a code because these, he says, will be proof positive that the signals come from an intelligent being.

Now if he took his ear from his radio telescope and instead put his eye to a suitable mount on an electron microscope focused on a section of the genetic code, what he would see there are molecules in non-random order, and they carry coded information!

By his own admission then, he will have discovered proof positive that an intelligent being has been at work!


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