Adauto Lourenço

Adauto Lourenço

Physicist, Speaker, and Author

Adauto Lourenço has a BS in Physics from Bob Jones University, EUA, and MS degree in Physics from Clemson University, EUA. He also has a degree in Theology from Seminário Bíblico Palavra da Vida (Word of Life Biblical Seminary) in Brazil. He performed research at Max Planck Institut fur Strömungsfurchung, Germany, and at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

Outspoken, he has presented over 500 seminars on Creation-Evolution in the USA, Brazil, Europe, and Africa.

An award-winning author, he has written the books Como Tudo Começou - Uma Introdução ao Criacionismo (How Everything Began – An Introduction to Creation), Gênesis 1&2: A Mão de Deus na Criação (Genesis 1&2: God’s Hands in the Creation), A Igreja e o Criacionismo (Church and Creationism), A Triste Estória da Evolução (The Sad Story of Evolution), O Dilúvio em Gênesis: Uma Análise Abrangente (The Flood in Genesis: A Broad Analysis) and Dez Mitos Sobre o Criacionismo (Ten Myths about Creation).

Adauto is married to Sueli, he has three daughters and two grandchildren.


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