Encouragement for VBS Directors

by Angela Larson July 28, 2023

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As VBS directors or leaders, we can often feel very overwhelmed. Notice that I stopped the sentence at overwhelmed. I didn’t feel I needed to add anything because it all can be overwhelming.

I have a confession. I often feel discouraged with VBS—from the lack of volunteers to the donations that have not come in yet to the number of student registrations compared to last year. And sometimes, I feel like my level of passion and enthusiasm is met with so much less passion and enthusiasm by others.

Over the past nine years of directing VBS, I have had “high highs” and “low lows.” These mood shifts can happen in the span of five minutes, if I am being honest. Sometimes the discouragement wins and overshadows everything I do and say, making me an ineffective leader. Yet, over time I have discovered three ways to create a culture of encouragement for myself and my team.

Discouragement is not from God.

First, acknowledge there is a spiritual war going on, and you, through the strength and power of the Holy Spirit, are the gatekeeper! As we learned with Keepers of the Kingdom, discouragement is not from God. If you have prepared your VBS activities and presentations to the best of your ability, relying on the Holy Spirit to guide your words and actions and to prepare hearts to be receptive to the gospel, then those feelings of inadequacy are not from God. Lingering feelings of doubt and the self-sabotaging “pep talks” you may give yourself are all from Satan. You are getting ready to BOLDLY share the hope of the gospel with children, living out loud what it looks like to be a follower of Christ.

When I am discouraged, I meditate on the passage that talks about Peter walking on water and how he began to doubt, and this verse in particular, “Jesus immediately reached out his hand and took hold of him, saying to him, ‘O you of little faith, why did you doubt?’” (Matthew 14:31). I remind myself that I am secure in Christ—he will sustain me and equip me. Who am I to doubt what Christ has called me to do?

Second, remember that the things you are discouraged about have already been worked out in God’s plan for your VBS. During one VBS, when I was having my moment (you know, the ones we all occasionally have), my pastor approached me with his weekly “to-do” list. At the top of his list was the following verse: “The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps” (Proverbs 16:9).

He told me that it was a great reminder that no matter what we do, no matter how much we plan, God will still make the path. I often reference this verse when I am frustrated or feeling overwhelmed. It reminds me that God is in control; I am doing this for him and not for me. With that in mind, I am encouraged that it will be a success. Even if I can’t see past my moment, God does.

Third, host a VBS debriefing. After all the kids are gone, the decorations are down, and the table and chairs are put back to where they belong, have a meeting with key leaders and volunteers about VBS. I will encourage you to do this the day after VBS. Don’t wait too long because you want all the feelings to be fresh.

Here is the format of my recent meeting. We go around the room three times, asking each question separately:

  • Introduce yourself. What area did you oversee?
  • What worked well, what needs improvement, and what would you not do again?
  • What is your “core memory” from the week?

You will get an honest perspective of the various areas by asking these questions and listening to the answers. But the surprising thing is that everyone’s perspective is different when you get to the core memory. Everyone's experience has a very personal impact on them.

Remember that God is your source of hope and encouragement, so pray continually!

This allows you to see how God worked through all the chaos that you saw and felt. You really get a sense of the whole impact VBS had. The best part is that everyone leaves that meeting knowing they made a difference. Be forewarned; you will want several boxes of tissues available!

There is so much encouragement available during VBS. Find ways to seek it out intentionally. Remember that God is your source of hope and encouragement, so pray continually!

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