Looking for a Good Bible Study Curriculum?

by Bryan Osborne on October 30, 2018

Throughout the West there’s a growing epidemic of biblical illiteracy. People—sadly, including many Christians—simply don’t know what God’s Word teaches or why they believe what they believe.

According to various research:

  • Fewer than half of all adults can name the four gospels.
  • 60% of Americans can’t even name five of the 10 Commandments.
  • According to 82% of Americans, “God helps those who help themselves is a Bible verse.” (It’s not.)

And according to the American Culture and Faith Institute:

  • Only 10% of Americans have a biblical worldview, despite nearly half claiming they do.
  • Only 4% of Millennials have a biblical worldview.

In a separate study, they also found:

  • Only 25% of Christians believe they are called to promote the gospel.

Recovering Biblical Literacy

We have a problem here in America and throughout the West. What can we do to address it?

Improving biblical literacy starts with getting people to dig into God’s Word. Christians can’t give to others what they do not possess themselves. If we want parents, grandparents, and mentors who can instill a love for and a knowledge of God’s Word and a biblical worldview in the next generation, we need to equip them to know and love Scripture themselves!

That’s one reason why we at Answers in Genesis are so passionate about our Answers Bible Curriculum (ABC). This Sunday School curriculum has been specifically designed to address biblical illiteracy. And it’s not just for children! ABC goes from preschool through adult.

Many adult Sunday School curriculums, Bible studies, and small group studies are filled with nothing but fluff. ABC dives deep into God’s Word. It’s packed with:

  • apologetics (faith-defending teaching),
  • an emphasis on God’s Word as the authority,
  • chronological teaching, bringing the entire Bible to life over four years in the order the events actually happened,
  • tools to equip believers to apply the principles and teachings in Scripture to the problems and ethical dilemmas facing us today.

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