Teach Class at Your Church

How You Can Bring Biblical Creation Lessons to Your Local Church

by Kevin Hadsall on December 15, 2023

Are you an avid student of creation apologetics resources, especially through the ministry of Answers in Genesis? Do you ever find yourself thinking, “I wish someone would teach this at my church”? Did you run into barriers trying to get your church to bring in a professional speaker? If any of these questions apply to you, then here’s my question for your consideration: have you considered talking to your pastor and/or elders about volunteering to lead a creation class at your church?

Starting in March 2022, I became an adjunct speaker for Answers in Genesis. I currently speak once per month at the Creation Museum, with the average audience size being about 140 people. I’m very thankful to God for this incredible way of serving the body of Christ. Yet, even with that big platform, I have just as much joy in serving my local church with my passion of teaching creation apologetics. I and a fellow teacher named Tim are in the middle of teaching a class called Creation Apologetics that we’ve managed to offer once per year since 2021. We’re averaging an attendance of about 17 students through five of ten sessions as I’m writing this. Our class outline covers topics such as the relevance of Genesis, the feasibility of Noah’s ark, biology, anthropology, aliens, flood geology and fossilization, radiometric dating and the age of the Earth, dinosaurs and dragons, cosmology, and distant starlight.

Now, maybe the concept of leading a class feels overwhelming after reading that—because you have not yet built your own presentation portfolio. However, there are resources that can make it easy for you to lead a class. In addition to our annual Creation Apologetics class, Tim and I twice led a Creation Foundations class that was simply based on Ken Ham’s Foundations curriculum. This curriculum includes six presentations along with a leader guide. You may also consider using presentations from other Answers in Genesis conferences, such as the Answering Atheists conference. Or, if you want to lead a class on topics such as family, marriage, sexuality, and so forth, you can consider one of the Answers for Women conferences. Yes, only women are allowed to attend the Answers for Women conferences, but the content can be used in a class for both men and women. On two occasions, Tim and I led a class based on video content from the 2019 Answers for Women conference, with very encouraging feedback from the students. When we lead a class using videos, we also budget time for class discussion, and those discussions turn out to be quite edifying as well.

Note that aside from purchasing AiG conference content via DVD or digital download, you can also have instant access to all AiG conference videos with a subscription to Answers TV.

Perhaps you may consider building your own presentations. One freely available resource is a set of slides called Divided Nation (which you can find here) which are related to Ken Ham’s book. That file provides a tremendous wealth of illustrations that you can use to not only teach the content of Ken’s book but also to build other presentations. I also recommend sharpening your knowledge on presuppositional apologetics and arguments to avoid to ensure that your teaching approach is biblical, truthful, and effective.

As you consider what you can do to serve the Lord in the upcoming year, may God open doors for you to help equip your local church!


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