The Geology Book, Lesson 6

Volcanism/Deformation of rocks/Continents

These lessons are geared for middle-school students. Each lesson contains a series of questions to answer that pertain to the reading assignment.


These lessons are geared for middle-school students. Each lesson contains a series of questions to answer that pertain to the reading assignment. There is a section of each lesson for advanced students. Teachers should start with the Scripture lesson.

It is important that teachers prepare themselves by reading the stated pages prior to having the student read the assignment. If a child is not able to read yet, parents may wish to read the text to the student.


  • Pages 42–48


  • Genesis 7, 8


  1. At least two ways that volcanoes erupt are discussed in the text. What are they?
  2. When forces in the earth’s crust build up to a breaking point along a fault, the sections move in one of three ways. What are they? Write a short description of each type.
  3. What factors influence whether a rock will “bend” or “break”?
  4. Write a short paper on continental separation using just the facts given in the text. (Older students should use other materials as well as those in the text—see Get Answers: Plate Tectonics)

NOTE: The text leaves many questions unanswered concerning continental movement. Some of the theories are explained in the Web articles listed below.


  • Fumaroles
  • Geyser
  • Fault
  • metamorphism


  1. Some children might want to do a more in-depth study of volcanoes. Research some of the more famous volcanoes that have erupted in the past. When did they erupt? How devastating to the surrounding areas were they? What types of devastation did they cause? How often do these volcanoes erupt? How long do the eruptions last? (For additional information, visit and search for “volcano”)
  2. This is week 4 of the experiment started in Lesson 3. Has your mound decreased any? What caused this decrease?

Additional resources (for the more advanced student)


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