Praise God! Creation Evangelism at Work!

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“Your website has been a tremendous blessing and source of encouragement for me and my family.”

Your website has been a tremendous blessing and source of encouragement for me and my family. Something happened recently which should encourage you in your ministry. I was working with a man who is also a college student and was an unbeliever before I used some information gained from your website to witness to him. He was basically an old Earth, uniformitarian agnostic, but thankfully he had an open mind to the gospel. I used some of your creation science information, particularly the evidences for a young Earth to witness to him. A few months after I began witnessing to him using your information on creation science, he told me that he had began going to church with his wife and had gotten saved! He attributed his decision to begin going to church to the information gained from your website. Now he visits your site often. Thank God for your ministry.



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