Evaluating Student Materials from a Biblical Worldview

by Laura Elizabeth Fabrizio on January 9, 2024

A homeschool curriculum must be biblically sound in order to teach a biblical worldview, but biblical soundness alone isn’t enough. That’s because there’s more to fostering a biblical worldview than just learning information.

Homeschool materials need to include solid apologetics to combat compromise, and students need to be trained to think critically so they can distinguish between biblical truth and secular ideology. If a child is presented with poorly reasoned support for a biblical worldview, it can create a weak foundation prone to doubts.

Consider the statistics—two-thirds of young people walk away from the church and the faith of their parents. Homeschoolers aren’t immune to this danger. Students often have their faith shaken when they go off to college and their beliefs are vigorously challenged for the first time. Even if a student doesn’t attend college, the attacks will come.

Shortly after becoming a believer, I heard a talk on the evolution of religion that presented as indisputable fact the idea that Christianity evolved out of polytheism. Thankfully, I sought out and found the errors in that view. Sadly though, many young people testify to having their faith shattered when confronted with similar challenges. That’s why it’s important to carefully select homeschool resources.

  1. Do they glorify God?

    The best inoculation against shaken beliefs is strong faith. All subjects can be approached with a heart of adoration, teaching students to appreciate the handiwork of our amazing Creator. This approach strengthens faith and produces an atmosphere of learning with a sense of fascination. It’s no wonder many students in government-run schools lack a desire to learn. How can anyone be interested in learning when they’re taught life is meaningless because we’re evolved animals? But as image-bearers, it’s exciting to learn about our Father’s world.

  2. Do they train apologetically?

    Training in apologetics prepares students with answers that demonstrate the truth and reasonableness of their faith. Because challenges are often direct attacks on the Bible, it’s important to use a Bible curriculum that incorporates apologetics—relying on Sunday school isn’t enough. Choose a Bible curriculum that accurately covers the canon of Scripture and church history. Apologetic training in science and history is likewise a must, aligning material with the true accounts God provides in his Word.

  3. Do they teach logical thinking?

    Although we cannot anticipate every line of attack our children will face in the years ahead, we can equip them with skills of logic and reason to successfully handle them. Unfortunately, student resources are commonly designed to cover subject matter rather than train students in the art of thinking. But if we engage students in a way that stimulates thinking and analysis, they not only retain information more effectively, they develop the ability to reason. These skills enable them to combat new challenges they encounter.

To serve God now and in the future, students need to be grounded in their faith with an understanding of the trustworthiness of God’s Word. Long ago, I heard the gospel for the first time from a fellow college student. I distinctly recall the confidence of her responses as she fielded my many objections. Will our students be equipped to stand confidently on the Word of God and share the gospel as she did? Let’s prepare them now to successfully navigate the years ahead.

The Seven C’s of History

Join Bible Investigators Kayla and Patrick, along with their trusty canine sidekick Clueford, as they learn the Seven C’s of History. Discover the major events of biblical history from Genesis to Revelation, then uncover the truth about why each event is important today. Dig into deep questions like who made everything, why bad things happen, and why Jesus came to earth.


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