The Wonder of Creation

by Prof. Stuart Burgess on October 1, 2019

I will be giving two talks at the AiG Mega Conference in the West Midlands, UK, on October 24-26, 2019. The first talk is entitled: “The Wonder of Creation.” One of the examples in this talk will be the nervous system: a vast network of nerves and brain cells that enable the body to do all the things necessary to live such as breathing, eating, seeing, hearing, and moving. As someone who has experience in designing spacecraft, I plan to show how complex wiring systems cannot appear by chance.

In the case of the human body, the nerves must reach every part of the body to connect millions of sensors and thousands of muscle bundles to the brain.

Such routing requires planning and foresight and therefore can only come through skilful design.

Many nerves have highly intricate pathways that have to traverse moving joints and weave through many structures and organs. Such routing requires planning and foresight and therefore can only come through skilful design.

You’ve Got a Lot of Nerve

The talk will explain some of the amazing design features of nerves such as how separate nerve bundles join together and then branch apart in complex networks. Such sophisticated design features produce a robust system with redundancy. They also represent a major challenge to evolution because complex networks require very large numbers of nerves to all be in place simultaneously.

Humans have such a fine sense of touch that they can feel the presence of a tiny insect on the skin. There are even sensors inside the arms and fingers that enable a person to know the position of those parts when they cannot be seen.

I will show how the brain sends signals to muscles to produce precise motion and movement. The control is so delicate that humans can hold a grain of sand between the index finger and thumb.

Then I will provide a summary of the incredible anatomy and abilities of the human brain. The human brain has more computing power than the best super-computers that engineers have built. Yet the human brain requires a tiny fraction of the space and energy required to run a super-computer.

The nervous system provides not only overwhelming evidence of design but also reveals God’s infinite understanding.

My second talk will be “Refusing to be silent on biblical creation.”

I will explain how academics are not allowed to speak up for biblical creation or intelligent design during classes (even though it is allowable to promote atheism and criticise intelligent design).

One of the main reasons why academics are being prevented from supporting intelligent design is to support myths about evolution, such as the myth that “creation versus evolution” is “faith versus science.”

This talk will describe how creationist academics have been able to succeed in the academic community and make a witness for biblical creation.

My talk will give some examples of the pressures on academics who stand up for biblical creation. Creationists are told not to put their academic qualifications on their creation publications and are criticised in public if they speak out against evolution. Yet this talk will describe how creationist academics have been able to succeed in the academic community and make a witness for biblical creation.

Join us October 24–26 and get equipped with scientific facts about the wonders of creation and the marvellous works of our Creator..


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