Fossilized Dinosaur Eggs

on December 23, 2010

Scientists study fossilized dinosaur eggs that were found over 30 years ago in South Africa.

Recently, a group of paleontologists decided it would be interesting to study some fossilized dinosaur eggs that were found over 30 years ago in South Africa. Why are these eggs so special? Paleontologists are excited because these eggs contain well-preserved Massospondylus embryos. The embryos were almost ready to hatch when they were fossilized.

The paleontologists, led by Robert Reisz from the University of Toronto–Mississauga, studied the embryos to learn more about the development of Massospondylus young. The little dinosaur skeletons were only about 20 cm. long. “Surprisingly, they [the baby dinosaurs] looked very different from the adults, probably walking on all fours rather than on two hind legs only. Their heads may have also been disproportionately large, whereas the adults’ heads were disproportionately small.”1

Evolutionary scientists have dated the eggs as being 190 million years old.2 They consider these fossilized dinosaur embryos to be the oldest that have been discovered. Dr. Reisz has stated, “This project opens an exciting window into the early history and evolution of dinosaurs.”2

Creation scientists look at the same fossilized dinosaur eggs and come to an entirely different conclusion. Creation scientists believe the eggs required rapid fossilization. Eggs would have to be buried quickly during a catastrophe in order to fossilize. There is a worldwide catastrophe mentioned in the Bible—Noah’s flood! Most fossils were created during Noah’s flood, which would make them only a few thousand years old.

The Bible also tells us about the early history of dinosaurs. Genesis 1:24–25 teaches us that God created land dinosaurs on Day 6. Dinosaurs did not evolve from other creatures.

If you would like to learn more about dinosaur fossils, please read the following articles:

1 Answers in Genesis, News to Note, November 20, 2010,
2 Eggs with the oldest known embryos of a dinosaur found, Katia Moskvitch, November 12, 2010, BBC News.