Is Jesus Coming Soon?

As we look ahead to the new year amid the moral chaos in our land, we consider whether Jesus’ return will be soon – and what we should be doing while we wait.

by Ken Ham on January 15, 2022
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

It’s 2022! Another new year. So yes, we are another year closer to Jesus returning!

I’ve had so many people tell me personally or on social media that Jesus’ return must be just around the corner because we hear of so much wickedness in the news. But let’s consider: Is the world as bad as Sodom and Gomorrah? It would certainly seem like it, as many politicians and companies promote the LGBTQ worldview in a big way. But I’m reminded that God told Abraham he would have saved Sodom and Gomorrah if there were 10 righteous people. No, the world is not as bad as those two cities, as there are millions of Christians in America and millions more around the world.

Is the world as bad as the days of Noah? In many ways, it appears so because we see so much evil. But in Noah’s day, everyone except his own family had totally rebelled against God. Only eight people went through the door of the ark to be saved. There are more than eight people today who love the Lord. In fact, there are millions and millions of Christians around the world.

So what does this mean? It means it’s easy for us to get distracted from what we need to do as Christians because we look at the storm around us. Remember Peter? When he took his eyes off the Lord and looked at the storm, he began to sink.

So what does this mean? It means it’s easy for us to get distracted from what we need to do as Christians because we look at the storm around us. Remember Peter?

Certainly, what is happening around us today is a reminder that we live in the narrow way within the broad way (Matthew 7:13–14) of this wicked world. And yes, at times I’m sure we all wish Jesus would return as he promised he would (and will do one day).

But in the meantime, we need to focus on Christ and what he taught us to do. In Luke 19, Jesus told a parable about a nobleman who entrusted resources to his servants. He then said he was going away and to “engage in business until I come” (Luke 19:13). The nobleman is meant to be Jesus, and his servants are all of us to whom he has entrusted resources. The Lord may have entrusted us with various gifts and talents, such as teaching, music, art, building, and money. What should we be doing? We should be looking forward to his return, but in the meantime, we need to do all we can to use those resources to the maximum and do the business of the King. What is that?

Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation. (Mark 16:15)

Contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints. (Jude 1:3)

Let’s be faithful and use the resources entrusted to us to do all we can to win people for the kingdom.


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