Secret of Life? . . . Still Not Found

Stable molecules still don’t hold the secret spark of life.

Scientists at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Vancouver heard from physiologist Robert Root-Bernstein how natural selection acting on molecules could select those stable enough to survive for the leap to life. The headline here is really not saying anything new. Evolutionary scientists have claimed “Evolution created life from lifeless ‘primordial soup’” ever since the notion of molecules-to-man evolution sprang into being. (Just see last week’s News to Note for an example of the latest version as it relates to Darwin’s warm pond.)

When molecules interact, they start taking on properties they don't have as individuals, but do gain when they're in a complex,” he says. “This provides a means of natural selection.

Root-Bernstein proposed that when molecules susceptible to degradation due to ultraviolet radiation react chemically, “two become one” and may make a more stable molecule. “When molecules interact, they start taking on properties they don't have as individuals, but do gain when they're in a complex,” he says. “This provides a means of natural selection.”

Root-Bernstein proposes this answer to the “watchmaker problem” by letting more complex molecules needed to build living cells survive together until all needed molecules are present. “If you have to evolve a receptor composed of a precise ordering of 400 amino acids, it wouldn't be possible to do it all at once,” Root-Bernstein said. “You have to use stable modules.”

Yet evolutionary science cannot answer the “ultimate mystery” of how “primordial soup somehow sparked into life.”

Many people point to the variation within created kinds is if it were proof of molecules-to-man evolution. But in truth, no mechanism by which non-living matter can randomly spark itself into life has ever been demonstrated. It still hasn’t. Even if large molecules such as DNA, RNA, or proteins were to randomly assemble themselves, there is no way for them to combine to form living organisms. Even if they could randomly generate a DNA blueprint, without cellular machinery to read and transcribe the code, the code is useless. Information must come from a source of information.

The Bible provides God’s eyewitness account of His creation of all things, living and nonliving. God created ex nihilo, from nothing. He did not have to wait for stable molecules to accumulate. The fact that some chemicals are more stable than others is simple chemistry but does not provide any explanation for how those molecules, even when gathered together in a primordial soup, could become alive. God, however, as the only witness to His own actions, tells us He spoke everything into existence about 6,000 years ago.

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