What Will Your Young People Be Doing This Summer?

by Calvin Smith on February 14, 2020
Featured in Calvin Smith Blog

Dear friends of Answers in Genesis–Canada,

Answers Boot Camps for Youth

Because the Answers in Genesis–Canada ministry understands the importance of investing in the future, we hold our annual Answers Boot Camp (which is an apologetics and worldview training camp) for youth ages 14–18!

These week-long events provide worldview equipping, and gospel training along with some fantastic age-appropriate AiG resources to each attendee.

These week-long events provide worldview equipping and gospel training, along with some fantastic age-appropriate AiG resources to each attendee, so they can continue to learn and grow long after these exciting events are passed. We have seen amazing fruit from these events and had tremendous feedback from the participants and their parents!

Our main camp, being held from July 19–24 in Thamesford, Ontario, at Maple Grove Christian Retreat Centre, features multiple engaging speakers (including our newest AiG–Canada Speaker and Youth Outreach Coordinator, Patricia Engler) along with great activities and other special events. We have had students from several provinces experience these camps as they seek to grow spiritually and to serve the Lord more faithfully.

Let’s Invest in the Church’s Future

The world around us is constantly telling us we should invest in our future, typically an appeal to save up money for when we retire, which is wise. Scripture expands on this concept beyond simply our own needs by reminding us that we should invest not only for our future but also to help our children and their children as well: “A good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children. . .” (Proverbs 13:22).

The word of God reminds us that, far beyond our physical needs, our spiritual condition is of utmost importance: “For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul?” (Matthew 16:26).

And so, we understand that God desires to see believers investing in the spiritual health of their children and grandchildren to sew a legacy of faithfulness far into the future: “And what does the one God seek? Godly offspring” (Malachi 2:15).

Our Culture Is Becoming More Hostile

We need to understand that the culture our young people are growing up in is not the same as the one their parents and grandparents did.

We need to understand that the culture our young people are growing up in is not the same as the one their parents and grandparents did. The culture is becoming more hostile to the Christian faith each passing year now, so our next generation of “spiritual soldiers” need to be equipped and encouraged in very specific ways throughout their formative years to combat what the culture is bringing against God’s Word.

For more information and to register, please visit AnswersBootCamp.ca. And please share this with everyone you know so we can equip as many as we can of the next generation for Christ!

Calvin Smith
Executive Director/Speaker- Answers in Genesis CA

PS—Please Support This Initiative!

Do you have a burden for our youth? Would you like to help grow a next generation of young people who love the Lord their God with all of their heart, strength, soul, and mind? Please pray and partner with us to grow and expand the AiG–Canada ministry. Visit our Answers Boot Camp page to see how you can support our youth outreach.

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