Science, Mathematics, and Beauty

Best of British Bible and Science Conference

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  • Format: DVD
  • Dimensions: 5.25" x 7.5"
  • Length: 53 minutes
  • Ages: Teens – Adults
  • Publisher: Answers in Genesis
  • Published: 2017
  • SKU: 30-9-735
  • ISBN:
  • UPC: 680031595289

The precise, logical language of mathematics expresses abstract truth and is one of the most powerful evidences that reality is more than matter and energy. The power of mathematics shows that mind is not defined by matter.



Abstract truth, meaning, and purpose are realities that are transcendent to the physical universe, and beauty in science and art is linked to mathematical patterns. Mind came first before matter and not the other way round, and the most profound mathematical discoveries brilliantly predict physical discoveries. John 1:1 states “In the beginning was the Logos” – the logical mind behind everything, which is Christ.

With extensive education and experience with thermodynamics and aerodynamics, Prof. Andy McIntosh presents the truth of creation on a variety of fun and intriguing topics.

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Prof. Andy McIntosh

Prof. Andy McIntosh

Professor Andy McIntosh DSc, FIMA, CMath, FEI, CEng, FInstP, MIGEM, FRAeS has lectured and researched in Combustion and Thermodynamics for over 30 years. He is a visiting research professor at the University of Leeds, UK, and an adjunct professor at Mississippi State University, USA. He has published over 195 papers on aerodynamics, thermodynamics, combustion, biomimetics, and the bombardier beetle research, which has led to a patented spray device for applications of this technology to pharmaceuticals, fuel injectors, and fire extinguishers. He speaks widely in many countries on apologetics and the Christian faith, showing that true science is entirely consistent with a biblical view of origins.

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